3.5.0 (May 13, 2022): generalized Trace operator on non-conforming meshes; new Errf function; source code reorganization. 3.4.0 (September 23, 2021): new Min and Max functions on constants (at parse time); fixed regression in trees of edges in 2D; added support for non-ASCII paths on command line on Windows; GetDP now requires C++11 and CMake 3.3; small bug fixes. 3.3.0 (December 21, 2019): improved support for curved elements; added support for auto-similar trees of edges (e.g. for sliding surfaces in 3D); update for latest Gmsh version. 3.2.0 (July 1, 2019): improved node and edge link constraints search using rtree; added support for BF_Edge basis functions on curved elements; small fixes. 3.1.0 (April 19, 2019): added support for high-order (curved) Lagrange elements (P2, P3 and P4); added support for latest Gmsh version; code refactoring. 3.0.4 (December 9, 2018): allow general groups in Jacobian definitions; fixed string parser regression. 3.0.3 (October 18, 2018): new AtGaussPoint PostOperation option; bug fixes. 3.0.2 (September 10, 2018): small compilation fixes. 3.0.1 (September 7, 2018): small bug fixes. 3.0.0 (August 22, 2018): new extrapolation (see SetExtrapolationOrder) in time-domain resolutions; new string macros; added support for Gmsh MSH4 file format; new file handling operations and ElementTable format in PostOperation; added support for curved (2nd order) simplices; enhanced communication of post-processing data with ONELAB; many new functions (Atanh, JnSph, YnSph, ValueFromTable, ListFromServer, GroupExists, ...); various small bug fixes. 2.11.3 (November 5, 2017): new 'Eig' operator for general eigenvalue problems (polynomial, rational); small improvements and bug fixes. 2.11.2 (June 23, 2017): minor build system changes. 2.11.1 (May 13, 2017): small bug fixes and improvements. 2.11.0 (January 3, 2017): small improvements (complex math functions, mutual terms, one side of, get/save runtime variables) and bug fixes. 2.10.0 (October 9, 2016): ONELAB 1.3 with usability and performance improvements. 2.9.2 (August 21, 2016): small bug fixes. 2.9.1 (August 18, 2016): small improvements (CopySolution[], -cpu) and bug fixes. 2.9.0 (July 11, 2016): new ONELAB 1.2 protocol with native support for lists; simple C++ and Python API for exchanging (lists of) numbers and strings; extended .pro language for the construction of extensible problem definitions ("Append"); new VolCylShell transformation; new functions (Min, Max, SetDTime, ...); small fixes. 2.8.0 (March 5, 2016): new Parse[], {Set,Get}{Number,String}[] and OnPositiveSideOf commands; added support for lists of strings; various improvements and bug fixes for better interactive use with ONELAB. 2.7.0 (November 7, 2015): new Else/ElseIf commands; new timing and memory reporting functions. 2.6.1 (July 30, 2015): enhanced Print[] command; minor fixes. 2.6.0 (July 21, 2015): new ability to define and use Macros in .pro files; new run-time variables (act as registers, but with user-defined names starting with '$') and run-time ONELAB Get/Set functions; new Append*ToFileName PostOperation options; new GetResdidual and associated operations; fixes and extended format support in MSH file reader; fixed UpdateConstraint for complex-simulated-real and multi-harmonic calculations. 2.5.1 (April 18, 2015): enhanced Python[] and DefineFunction[]. 2.5.0 (March 12, 2015): added option to embed Octave and Python interpreters; extended "Field" functions with gradient; extended string and list handling functions; new resolution and postprocessing functions (RenameFile, While, ...); extended EigenSolve with eigenvalue filter and high order polynomial EV problems; small bug fixes. 2.4.4 (July 9, 2014): better stability, updated onelab API version and inline parameter definitions, fixed UpdateConstraint in harmonic case, improved performance of multi-harmonic assembly, fixed memory leak in parallel MPI version, improved EigenSolve (quadratic EVP with SLEPC, EVP on real matrices), new CosineTransform, MPI_Printf, SendMergeFileRequest parser commands, small improvements and bug fixes. 2.4.3 (February 7, 2014): new mandatory 'Name' attribute to define onelab variables in DefineConstant[] & co; minor bug fixes. 2.4.2 (Septembre 27, 2013): fixed function arguments in nested expressions; minor improvements. 2.4.1 (July 16, 2013): minor improvements and bug fixes. 2.4.0 (July 9, 2013): new two-step Init constraints; faster network computation (with new -cache); improved Update operation; better cpu/memory reporting; new -setnumber, -setstring and -gmshread command line options; accept unicode file paths on Windows; small bug fixes. 2.3.1 (May 11, 2013): updated onelab; small bug fixes. 2.3.0 (March 9, 2013): moved build system from autoconf to cmake; new family of Field functions to use data imported from Gmsh; improved list handling; general code cleanup. 2.2.1 (July 15, 2012): cleaned up nonlinear convergence tests and integrated experimental adaptive time loop code; small bug fixes. 2.2.0 (June 19, 2012): new solver interface based on ONELAB; parallel SLEPC eigensolvers; cleaned up syntax for groups, moving band and global basis functions; new Field[] functions to interpolate post-processing datasets from Gmsh; fixed bug in Sur/Lin transformation of 2 forms; fixed bug for periodic constraints on high-order edge elements. 2.1.1 (April 12, 2011): default direct solver using MUMPS. 2.1.0 (October 24, 2010): parallel resolution using PETSc solvers; new Gmsh2 output format; new experimental SLEPc-based eigensolvers; various bug and performance fixes (missing face basis functions, slow PETSc assembly with global quantities, ...) 2.0.0 (March 16, 2010): general code cleanup (separated interface from kernel code; removed various undocumented, unstable and otherwise experimental features; moved to C++); updated input file formats; default solvers are now based on PETSc; small bug fixes (binary .res read, Newmark -restart). 1.2.1 (March 18, 2006): Small fixes. 1.2.0 (March 10, 2006): Windows versions do not depend on Cygwin anymore; major parser cleanup (loops & co). 1.1.2 (September 3, 2005): Small fixes. 1.1.0 (August 21, 2005): New eigensolver based on Arpack (EigenSolve); generalized old Lanczos solver to work with GSL+lapack; reworked PETSc interface, which now requires PETSc 2.3; documented many previously undocumented features (loops, conditionals, strings, link constraints, etc.); various improvements and bug fixes. 1.0.1 (February 6, 2005): Small fixes. 1.0.0 (April 24, 2004): New license (GNU GPL); added support for latest Gmsh mesh file format; more code cleanups. 0.91: Merged moving band and multi-harmonic code; new loops and conditionals in the parser; removed old readline code (just use GNU readline if available); upgraded to latest Gmsh post-processing format; various small enhancements and bug fixes. 0.89 (March 26, 2003): Code cleanup. 0.88: Integrated FMM code. 0.87: Fixed major performance problem on Windows (matrix assembly and post-processing can be up to 3-4 times faster with 0.87 compared to 0.86, bringing performance much closer to Unix versions); fixed stack overflow on Mac OS X; Re-introduced face basis functions mistakenly removed in 0.86; fixed post-processing bug with pyramidal basis functions; new build system based on autoconf. 0.86 (January 25, 2003): Updated Gmsh output format; many small bug fixes. 0.85 (January 21, 2002): Upgraded communication interface with Gmsh; new ChangeOfValues option in PostOperation; many internal changes. 0.84 (September 6, 2001): New ChangeOfCoordinate option in PostOperation; fixed crash in InterpolationAkima; improved interactive postprocessing (-ipos); changed syntax of parametric OnGrid ($S, $T -> $A, $B, $C); corrected Skin for non simplicial meshes; fixed floating point exception in diagonal matrix scaling; many other small fixes and cleanups. 0.83: Fixed bugs in SaveSolutions[] and InitSolution[]; fixed corrupted binary post-processing files in the harmonic case for the Gmsh format; output files are now created relatively to the input file directory; made solver options available on the command line; added optional matrix scaling and changed default parameter file name to 'solver.par' (Warning: please check the scaling definition in your old SOLVER.PAR files); generalized syntax for lists (start:[incr]end -> start:end:incr); updated reference guide; added a new short presentation on the web site; OnCut -> OnSection; new functional syntax for resolution operations (e.g. Generate X -> Generate[X]); many other small fixes and cleanups. 0.82: Added communication socket for interactive use with Gmsh; corrected (again) memory problem (leak + seg. fault) in time stepping schemes; corrected bug in Update[]. 0.81: Generalization of transformation jacobians (spherical and rectangular, with optional parameters); changed handling of missing command line arguments; enhanced Print OnCut; fixed memory leak for time domain analysis of coupled problems; -name option; fixed seg. fault in ILUK. 0.80: Fixed computation of time derivatives on first time step (in post-processing); added tolerance in transformation jacobians; fixed parsing of DOS files (carriage return problems); automatic memory reallocation in ILUD/ILUK. 0.79: Various bug fixes (mainly for the post-processing of intergal quantities); automatic treatment of degenerated cases in axisymmetrical problems. 0.78: Various bug fixes. 0.77: Changed syntax for PostOperations (Plot suppressed in favour of Print; Plot OnRegion becomes Print OnElementsOf); changed table oriented post-processing formats; new binary formats; new error diagnostics. 0.76: Reorganized high order shape functions; optimization of the post-processing (faster and less bloated); lots of internal cleanups. 0.74: High order shape functions; lots of small bug fixes. 0.73: Eigen value problems (Lanczos); minor corrections. 0.7: constraint syntax; fourier transform; unary minus correction; complex integral quantity correction; separate iteration matrix generation. 0.6: Second order time derivatives; Newton nonlinear scheme; Newmark time stepping scheme; global quantity syntax; interactive post-processing; tensors; integral quantities; post-processing facilities. 0.3: First distributed version.